Why do you think Quora moderators seem to be selective about enforcing harassment policies? Jeffrey Diver 3+ Million content views 6.5K questions answered 10m Paul Clark , Harassment policies on Quora do not cover all the bases. For instance, when an entire class of people is harassed, such as all Quora users by trolls, Quora has NO POLICY. Quora management is operating on the theory that if you do not acknowledge the existence of trolls and trolling on Quora, the problem does not exist. So the platform as a whole is harassed by trolls. Quora moderators do not exist ! Quora is moderated by automated bots that go looking for policy violations and users who have all sorts of motives for reporting or NOT reporting other users. If appealed , reports are reviewed by humans, we are assured. Whether Quora has ANY humans assigned to moderation specifically any more is questionable. Quora management appears deliberately vag...
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