The big political picture in the USA is about to change.

The big political picture in the USA is about to change.

If this report is correct, the tactics of Mueller have been successful and the results will be public soon.

Commenters: As Cosmo Genesis says below, "You have total control over what appears on your feed and you can completely disable 'Recommended for you' posts via controls in your Settings menu. There are four settings for this under Stream: More, Normal (the default), Less, and None."

We seem to have the usual assortment of opinions and insults here. Since I see nothing that adds to my understanding of the situation and much name-calling I will now shut down comments on this post. Thanks to all who stopped by and to those who took the time to comment.

P.S. I hope some of you actually read the linked article!

#Trump #Manafort #Putin


  1. SO, how did this crap end up on my feed?
    OH, "Recommended for you"

    No bias here on GOOGLE +

  2. obviously aren't seeing what is on Google+. There is a lot more on here than you think.

  3. Fake news & lies is Democrats only weapon .. hahaaaaaahhhahaha We have the TRUMP card and Q .. they are going down dec 5 .. #Qanon

  4. Lies, fake, fake, fake news. So, if they want to see the real collusion in 2016 look to the HRC camp.

  5. Fake news? So why are the suspects in jail and more indictments are coming down the pipe. Now all their lies was just exposed in court today. Your idol, the cheeto-emperor is a documented liar. His troubles are just now beginning to hit the fan.

  6. rottwild95 You have total control over what appears on your feed and you can completely disable 'Recommended for you' posts via controls in your Settings menu. There are four settings for this under Stream: More, Normal (the default), Less, and None.

  7. Anthony Hylton I don't know about this supposed case but liberals lie enough about him so it kinda makes it to where nobody believes anything they say.
    Also, cheeto emperor? 😂
    I don't agree with certain things he says but hating on him on Twitter won't solve shit. It's ridiculous.

  8. The Only thing anyone has been charged with is Lying to the Prosecutors. Anyone of us, if questioned as they are, would end up in the same place. When Trump starts to reveal the doc's form this mess-the Truth will come out.

  9. Go away troll, keep your two cents in your pocket, gossip queen.RatedASMR

  10. Why is it going to take the total collapse of America's economy and civil war to get republicans to realize trump is as crooked as it gets?

  11. Anthony Hylton I just think that while I don't support him it's ridiculous what the left says about him. And what the right says about other people. Both sides are equally annoying.

  12. Perfectly put, Bruce Springsteen! That LYING Donald trump, damaged at his core, I'd say is also a confirmed Racist/Nazi/KKK, albeit! Trump HATES America with passion, especially our numerous diversities, ethnicities, inclusiveness, religious diversities, democratic systems, he HATES all our peoples (that are not his cult-followers, or his $Billionaire cohorts!), and he HATES and detested OUR brilliant Constitution to-boot! Donald trump is especially traitorous and very dangerous to our AMERICA in all of its essence. Imagine that this dude-trump sits there in our own WH with all his families there (all doing NOTHING, except costing our treasury $Billions!), and yet CONSTANTLY denigrating, dismissing, bullying and insulting all Americans, and attempting to destroy all of our important National Security apparatuses on regular daily basis (from our WH?) - denigrating our FBI, CIA, Military intelligence, Free Press/First Amendment rights, NSA, militaries, the Courts/Justice systems etc. But he advances and regularly promotes & believes all Killer-dictators globally over our expert Americans! ??? And such a traitor we have right there in our own White House? Yes, I am 100%++ with Bruce Springsteen that Donald trump (that grandson of a refugee-immigrant himself!) should be tried for 'Crimes against humanity' for his determined, treasonous, and non-stop attempting at bringing down the greatest country on this planet earth! Wake Up Americans!! Please???

  13. Chump been a douchebag over fifty years ,this is not new with him. People just have enough of his lies.RatedASMR

  14. Anthony Hylton the entire government lies. That's nothing new or surprising.

  15. It's hard, they just don't get it.Susan Forge


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