
Showing posts from July, 2018

Thanks to Anders Lorenzen for this further evidence of the global nature of the unfolding calamities associated with...

Are you paying attention to the signals? If not, you're heading for a rude surprise.

*Are your electric rates rising for nefarious reasons?" Evidently, yes.

[ ] FERC?

[ ] Sustainability practices are highlighted by the Shoals Marine...

What's Going On?

[ ] Mountain Top Mining leaves scars on people and the landscape of Appalachia.

Just keeping track of things.

[ ] Naturally, as floods become more likely, insurance premiums will keep...

Online Pest Control is something we all need to understand and practice.

" by polling stations and make changes on all of the totals in the voting machines." What an opportunity!

Are we, the people, dumb enough?

Trump Worshipers ask: "What would Putin do?"

Solar politics in South Carolina will impact home solar installations negatively, it is expected.

Lazy jet stream magnifies global warming Heat disasters in Sweden, Greece, Australia, Denmark, Finland, Texas,...

Trump Agenda: use Endangered Species Act to kill wildlife and allow extractive industries free reign on privatized...

Censorship is a favorite tool of Trump's Termites.

The Science of Climate Change has found an indicator or two that humans are affecting climate.

New EPA Administrator, same old story

Climate Central has excellent resources on actions individuals can take in response to sea level rise.

Looks like an excellent resource. Thanks, Kathy Fields! The archive for this blog goes back to March 2015.

Another warning, another consequence of rising seas.

Environmental politicians may find this useful.

Carbon-based tariffs? Environmental Politics in action internationally! Complicated, but interesting suggestion.

Legislating from the bench is now applauded by the very same individuals who were critical in the days when courts...

Our world is changing, sometimes for the better!

See you there?

Thanks to Ed Chavez for this alert!

Is your home about to sink out of sight?

We know the pattern, so we should not be surprised by the results....

Just a little of Pruitt's damage to the Environmental Pollution Agency.

NY State Artificial Reef Program Expansion We interrupt the steady flow of bad news for this report of progress....

Carcinogens in our water All hands on deck!

Alt-right self-described "Comedians" are "joking" about killing journalists, while He Who Shall Not be Named brands...

Pruitt's departure means nothing.

In case someone asks what is going to happen to EV lithium batteries in your car, here's an answer:

Tactics are important.

Where the USA stands on the global stage. Not at the top. We have work to do!

Special broadcast for the 4th of July

A thought not just for Independence Day, USA but for all our days.

What happens if the courts become partisan?

Not that bad news is ever posted here.... Here's some advice for those following the Environmental Politics of Trump.

Trump: censorship will prevent climate change.

Making your online purchases less injurious to the environment This article, while country-specific in some...


If you're in the Mob

Do we need the Chemical Safety Board (CSB)? No, says Trump. Here's the latest from

Time for action! (Well that was yesterday. Today will have to do.)

Thanks to Anders Lorenzen for a great post to further our understanding of Environmental Politics and the stakes for...